1.Gel electrophoresis separates molecules according to their ___.
2. In agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA is moved towards the
3. In SDS electrophoresis, proteins are separated on basis of
4. If proteins are separated according to their electrophoretic mobility then type of electrophoresis is
5. Transparent container in spectrophotometer called
6. Which is function by absorbing large portions of the spectrum while transmitting relatively limited wavelength regions.
7. The most common cell path for UV-Visible region is
8. What is NIR?
9. Which scale is a standard used internationally to relay values of color in relation to lightness?
10. Which of the following will oscillate the fastest?
11. In the equation, A = ε bc, what quantity is represented by "ε"?
12. Why must the voltage supplied to a tungsten lamp be very stable?
13. Where does a carbonyl (C=0) stretch appear in an IR spectrum?
14. Which of the following is not an IR vibrational mode?
15. In gel electrophoresis, molecules with a negative charge will ____.