1. ______________% of energy from fat should be obtained from a typical Indian diet
2. ______________ is a micronutrient
3. Milk is not a good source of
4. Nutrient requirements vary based on __________________.
5. __________________ can be stored in the body.
6. On an average 100 g of cooking oil provides
7. Phyto-sterols competitively inhibit cholesterol absorption across the gut and thereby can reduce cholesterol levels by
8. Generally vegetable oils are the good source of plant sterols, especially
9. All fats are derivatives of
10. Which are the fat-soluble vitamins
11. The most common cell path for UV-Visible region is
12. What is NIR?
13. The disadvantage of Colorimetry techniques is relatively --------------due to high-moisture food products and ingredients.
14. which is function by absorbing large portions of the spectrum while transmitting relatively limited wavelength regions.
15. Which scale is a standard used internationally to relay values of color in relation to lightness?
16. Column chromatography separates molecules according to their ___.
17. In column chromatography, molecules that are ___ move around the beads in the matrix and therefore move through the column ____.
18. Paper chromatography separates molecules according to their ___.
19. What is the maximum Rf value for any molecule in paper chromatography?
20. Using paper chromatography, the Rf value for xanthophyll was 0.3 and the value for chlorophyll a was 0.7. What is true for these two pigments?